
Dec13: Try to fire up guider, but am getting 0s. Modify startnet to remove rmanta to experiment with it offline.

Nov03: Reboot. Try to install patches. Try to install module and it says "Invalid Module Format" Remake module for 5.15.0-88-generic and it installs but still gets the same error with rleach. The dmesg looks ok, here is a dump.

Oct30: Try to fire up rleach. Sees PCI device Get fatal error 0x204 WRM Try Owl-3.6 it opens, but doesn't read temperature or do anything.

Jul14: Modify startnet to re-install rtemps

May28: Modify startnet to remove rleach temporarily.

Apr26: Modify startnet to remove rtemps.

Apr25: Change Temps table in weather database enlarging Temps to char(80). rtemps seems to have failed though.

Modify focus script.

Apr24: Change Fits table in database adding foreign key to Picture.

Apr20: make phony option to slit so it can be tested in daytime.

Mar07: Change binning to 3 and amp to 2. Not sure why it didn't work before.

Mar06: Edit startnet putting "DRYRUN" and fire up telco.

Mar05: Change binning to 3 on database.

Feb23: Reboot serial controller.

Jan24: Take some more domeflats. The ice blob seems to be just as bad. Here is a graph of flats taken 12 hours apart. Here is an image of one of those flats. Modify rtel adding badmirror and dome stick errors.

Jan23: Mirror cover 1 not reading correctly; probably working ok. Turn window heater to 10W to try to get ice blob off.

Jan21: Determine that the CCD rotation is 174.75 degrees. The scale factor is 11.896 "/mm.

Jan19: Change HA pulses per degree from 160,000 -> 19,200 due to encoder change.

Jan08: CCD testing. May have fouled things up... odd results.

Jan07: CCD testing. My new readout seems fine with bin=3, but fails for other binning. The mirror cover seems to be closed, but stuck closed.

Jan04: web pages updates

Jan03: mirror cover not working.

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