
Apr03 install M1273 and M1373 into the PMAC. The SAVE command should be executed. Also make fixes to home2.C to correct bug in home. Home the filter wheel to correct the "Mn73 not found" error. Mar13 - set rmanta instead of rmanta2 in startnet. Mar04 - modify rmanta2 in startnet to include rot=90. Mar01 - modify rmanta2 in startnet to include mirror in WCS. Feb20 - Modify filters.C and recompile image and Pfilter... hopefully fixing bug. Feb17 - Modify Filters database adding Fuzzy filters... ones that use the Diffuser. Feb14 - fire up rmanta2. Feb13 - edit startnet and show to recognize rmanta2. Also create link in ~rct/bin/ for rmanta2 the newer untested version.

Jan19 - edit /etc/resolv.confg to change name server to . Install a zillion updates. Modify Blog for 2024.

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