RCT Questions

Richard R. Treffers
Date: January 16, 2023


I am looking at the database and see a bunch of dead wood and complexity but am reluctant to change much as it might break the current system. I am also not sure why there are the Copy Request and Copy Request2 tables.

I have never been that fond of the multiple targets in the request file.

Request Management

Who enters the requests into the database?

What tools do you use to manage the database?

I have always been a bit spooked by the Filter database, that the filter number is used as the ID.

What is the Project and the ProjectQuota? Are these desired or used.

Data Storage

Another issue is the “flat” file structure meaning that ALL the data are stored in one directory (/data)… if you do an ‘ls’ you will get thousands of records. A more complex structure such as /data/2022 or even /data/2022/Jun05 would avoid this problem but create new ones. Personally, I would prefer to have minimal storage on the mountain, and have it brought down but this historically hasn’t been done. However, once again, I don’t want to break anything.

Is there another datbase which contains the data?

Planet Nomenclature

For planets, comets, and asteroids, we use the JPL Horizons database for getting coordinates. This service broke a while back when they went to https and there were also issues with specifying the name of the object. I noticed a script “resolve_name_horizons” on the old computer. Hopefully, we can dispense with it.


Does anybody use guided images?