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avoid= sets the time delay (in seconds) after a requests fails that it is not imported. The default value is 5400 seconds. A value of 0 disables this feature. It has no effect when the reqid option is used.

interval= sets the time delay (in seconds) after a requests succeeds that it is not imported. The default value is 43200 seconds (12 hours). A value of 0 disables this feature. It has no effect when the reqid option is used.

debug= setting the value to the OR'ed combination of the following leads yields even more output.

You can preface the value with 0x for hexadecimal.

debug - uses a debug value that varies depending on what it was attempting to inspect when it was last compiled.

import - queries the Request table in the database for active requests. See above for definition.

nomoon- does not run the moon avoidance algorithm.

nogenerate - doesn't generate the list, just reads the requests.

nopublish - doesn't update the database tables.

nosort - doesn't sort the input requests as discussed above. Instead the order specified on the command line using reqid='s or import is used.

reqid= queries the Request table as above but only for the requests submitted by specified RequestID. Multiple instances of this option can be put on the command line.

reqid=xxx,yyy - reads reqids from xxx up to but not including yyy. Just like the above but for a range of IDs.

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Louis-Gregory Strolger 2012-01-09