align - center the telescope on the present star


align mode=skip 
align mode=paddle 
align mode=ccd  [bin=] [zoom=] [camera=] [time=] [span=] 
align mode=fits [bin=] [zoom=] [camera=] [time=] [span=] [index=]
align fmode=sao|gaia


align tries to center the telescope on a star that is within the observing field. If successful it returns with exit code:0, if not code:1.

There are several modes:

mode=skip - simply prints out the line skipping and exits with 0 code.

mode=paddle puts up a prompt and asks you to move the telescope manually to center the star. When you are done, type the letter 'y', if you fail type some other letter and the program will exit with a non-zero exit code. Cntrl^C will stop the script.

mode=ccd takes a picture with the ccd using the image command. It then displays the image using the tv command. Finally it asks for you to move the cursor. Left click on the desired star. If there is no star, right click. Note: If you are operating the phony a ffield (artificial) image will be generated.

mode=fits Takes a fits image It generates files imagennn.fits. Where nnn is the three digit 0 prefaced index number. If the files exist, the script will terminate. You can move the files to a different directory, or if you are restarting the script used the index= option. The FITs file header is augmented with the raw encoder values. If the fits file exists, the program will exit with a 2. If you are in X-windows the image will be displayed.

fmode=sao|gaia Generates phony star image.

fmag= Sets phony star magnitude.

The code exits with code 0 if all is ok. It exits with 1 if the alignment should be skipped. It exits with 2 if the calling program should quit.


camera= uses a different camera other than the CCD.

bin= sets the binning factor (default:1).

span= sets the tv display span (default:1000).

time= takes an exposure time different from 1 second.

zoom= uses tv zoom factor other than 1.

Pointing index