makepointing - generates starlist to use for pointing corrections


usage : makepointing pitch=10|15|20 [grid] [sort=optimum] [measure=axial] 
[buffer=10] [delay=600] [iso=now] [over] 


To determine the pointing corrections one observes a bunch of stars. An option to observe a grid is also allowed (the pitch being anything). Patrick Wallace has compiled three lists of Tycho and FK5 stars that are separated by 10, 15, 20 degrees apart. These files should be available in in the ~$TELESCOPE/TPoint directory. stars10.dat, stars15.dat, stars20b.dat. The list is first corrected for space motion using the tstar program.

If desired evenly spaced coordinates can be generated with the grid option. This option uses the gridgen program.

It then is passed through the visible program to determine which stars are within the pointing capabilities of the telescope.

Finally the list of stars is run through a csort list optimizer program to order the observations to minimize telescope motion. If the telescope is an altazimuth (as determined from the telescope server), it is adjusted appropriately. The output star list is written to the file: makepointing.coord.

If you are running under X-Windows a graph will be displayed. The dots are the star coordinates, the path is in red. The rectangle are the HA and Dec limits, the curve is the altitude limit shown for southern decs.

Here is a plot of typical result for a 20 degree pitch.

Here is a plot result for a 10 degree pitch.

Here is a plot result for grid with a 20 degree pitch.


sort= specifies sort mode. Options are: optimum, least, altitude and random.

measure= specifies how distances are measureed. Options are: arc, axial. Where the latter is the maximum of ha or dec.

delay= specified the number of seconds from the present that the observation time is planned for.

buffer= specifies how close in degrees to the limits the telescope will advance to.

grid - generates an even grid with the specified pitch.

iso= changes the date/time from the present (ISO date).

over - allows over the pole operation, if consistent with the telescope limits.

Pointing index