csort - star list sorter


csort [sort=none | optimum | least | random | altitude ] [measure=arc | axial | altaz ] [dist] [total] [list] [alt] [high] [seed=] [debug] [ntries=] [iso=]


csort takes coordinate strings entered from standard input. It then sorts the coordinates in a choice of methods. The least method uses a "least cost insertion algorithm" to attempt to order the stars so the travel distance is a minimum. The optimum uses the least algorithm, but before that shuffles the stars (after the first one) randomly and looks for an even lower minimum.

The default metric is the angular arc distance. It then prints out the list to standard out unless overidden by the total or dist modes.

The telescope is assumed to be positioned at the first star of the list at the start.

Here is the "least" optimization of stars on a 10 degree pitch.

Here is the "optimum" optimization of the same stars, note the improvement.


sort= has the options: none (default), to do nothing, least to find minimum distance. optimum to find minimum distance with random tries. random into random order. altitude sorts in descending altitude.

measure= sets the way in which distances are measureed. arc (default) uses the angular arc distance. axial - uses the maximum of the hour angle or declination. This is more representative of telescope travel time (without the dome). altaz Note: this option requires site location that is determined from the tel_status command from the telescope server.

The time is the current epoch, unless overridden by the iso option. The default is set by the clock. the appropriate 360 degree rotation will be made. No allowance for observation time, or dome travel time is made.

dist - prints out the star to star move distance after each star.

high - prints out more significant figures in coordinates.

seed= sets the seed value of the random sort.

ntries= sets the number of random tries for the optimum method. The default is 100.

total - prints out the total distance in degrees of the unsorted input list. traveled. The type of angle depends on the altaz and axial modes.

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