bright - locates bright stars


bright ra=hh:mm:ss dec=dd:mm:ss [equinox=] [bright=#] [faint=#] [box=#] [help] [north=#] [south=#] [epoch=] [fk5] [sao] [quasar] [site] [debug] [proper] [high] [decimal]
bright index= fk5


This program looks up the nearest bright star from the Yale bright star catalog or others depending on command line options. All coordinates are corrected for proper motion to the current epoch.

The output is a single line coordinate string format similar to the following:

fornax Code/finder> bright ra=10:20 dec=12:34
ra=10:13:59.71 dec=+13:58:40.85 equinox=2000.000 epoch=2017.537 name=99034 mode=astrometric mag=5.41 dist=1.42
Where the dist= is the angular distance in degrees of the star from the requested position.

The box flag changes the mode of operation in that all stars within the specified box size are printed out (in order of increasing R.A.).


fk5-selects the FK5 star catalog instead of the Yale.

sao-selects the SAO star catalog instead of the Yale.

quasar-selects the SDSS DR9 quasar catalog instead of the Yale.

ra= hh:mm:ss specifies center search R.A. (required if index is not used)

dec= dd:mm:ss specifies center search declination. (required if index is not used)

equinox= yyyy specifies the optional equinox of the coordinates (default: 2000)

epoch= yyyy specifies the optional epoch for the correction of the proper motion(default: current date).

bright= # where # is the magnitude of the brightest star to search for (def=-1.5).

faint= # where # is the faintest star magnitude to search for (def=6.5 for Yale).

box= # prints all stars within the specified box of +/- # degrees on each side. This is sort of a square radius.

north= specifies optional north declination limit.

south= specifies optional south declination limit.

index= looks up the star by index number, this only works for sao, yale, and fk5 stars.

proper - prints out proper motion in mASec per year.

high - prints out more figures.

decimal - prints out coordinates in decimal degrees.

site - sets the location from the tel_status command. Use this for the alt/az option.


The catalogs are in the files ".linux"

The environment variable TELESCOPE should be set to point to active telescope username. In the home directory of this user should be the directory Catalogs, which contain:



The behavior around R.A. 0 and 24 hours may not correct properly for wrap-around.

There are some variable stars present in the catalog, which have not been commented out.

The bright star catalog reports back the SAO number rather than the HR number.

Program index