rleach - controls the Leach (APC) CCD camera.


rleach [debug] [rot=] [mirror] [rows=] [cols=] [XPC Options]


debug - does what you think

cols= changes the default number of columns for overscan.

rows= changes the default number of rows

XPC Options such as node, port, and ether are described here.


The rleach program controls the ARC controller with the following number of rows and columns:

The readout time can be calculate by assuming a readout time of 33 seconds for full chip, a setup time of six seconds + exposure time. For binned chip the readout time is divided by the square of the binning.



ccd[time=%f] [dark] [nbytes=%d] [bzero] [bin=%d] [box=sr,sc,nr,nc]

time= opens the CCD shutter for the specified number of seconds. It will wait for the exposure to end.

dark - will cause the shutter to stay shut, but delay for the the exposure time specified.

nbytes= specifies the number of bytes to be transmitted back using the BAIT binary protocol.

bin= sets the on chip pixel binning (def: 1).

box=sr,sc,nr,nc - reads only the portion specified the parameters are the starting row and column and the number of rows and columns. All four parameters must be specified and delimited by commas. NOT WORKING YET

mirror - sets the handedness different for WCS issues.


ccd_status [bin=]

Returns a string similar to:
done ccd_status nrow=4096 ncol=4112 pixel=15 name=CCD231-84 rot=0.0 readtime=10 tchip=-100.1 tset=0.0 gain=1.21 amp=1 darktime=56090 window=0.00 osr=2 osc=190 rms=3.19

The bin= option is needed as the fullsize rows and columns change due to the selected binning for this controller. See the table atop this page.

nrow - full size number of rows to be readout. May differ from the chip size. Done before binning.

ncol - full size number of columns. May differ from the chip size. Done before binning.

pixel - pixel size in microns.

readtime - is many seconds it should take to read the full chip into memory.

darktime- is the number of seconds since (the start of) the last readout.

tchip - the chip temperature is in degrees Celsius.

tset - the chip regulator setpoint temperature is in degrees Celsius. Unfortunately, the set temperature is not readable from the controller. If the set temperature was set while running the program, this value will be reported, otherwise the the string null will be printed.

rot- the chip rotation off RA/Dec in degrees. The rotation depends on the amplifier.

mirror - is present if the handedness is different than the celestial one.

osr, osc - are the overscan rows and columns respectively. These are shown before binning.

window - the window heater power (Watts). See below adjusting.

rms - the rms readout noise in electrons from Final Report.


ccd_setup [pon] [pof] [tim] [util] [reset] [tset=] [window=]

Does a variety of initialization and customization functions.

pon-does the PON power on function. i.e. turning on the voltage to the clock drivers.

pof-does the POF power off function.

tim-initializes the timing card (tim.lod).

util-initializes the utility card (util.lod).

tset= sets the array temperature (Celsisus).

window= sets the window heater power in Watts. The range is between 0 - 13.4. (See Final Report).

Program index