rmanta - Controls the Allied Vision camera


rmanta [port=] [debug] [rot=] [maxrows=] [camera=]


rot= sets the rotation angle of the chip.

maxrows overrides the size of chip and determines maximum rows.

camera= changes the name of the command and the subcommands from "ccd" to specified string.



done ccd [time=] [noread] [box=sr,sc,nr,nc[,1]] [bin=] [dark] [nbytes=] [bzero=]

time - opens the CCD shutter for the specified number of seconds. It will wait for the exposure to end.

dark - will cause the shutter to stay shut, but delay for the desired time.

noread - will take the exposure but not read the ccd.

nbytes= specifies the number of bytes to be transmitted back using the BAIT binary protocol.

bin= sets the on chip pixel binning.

box=sr,sc,nr,nc - reads only the portion specified the parameters are the starting row and column and the number of rows and columns. All four parameters must be specified and delimited by commas.

bzero - subtracts the specified value before transmitting data.



Returns a string similar to:
done ccd_status nrow=1038 ncol=1388 readtime=1 tchip=99.0 name=Manta_G-145B darktime=5 pixel=6.5 rot=0 gain=0.0

nrow - full size number of rows.

ncol - full size number of columns.

pixel - pixel size in microns.

readtime - is many seconds it should take to read the full chip into memory.

darktime- is the number of seconds since (the start of) the last readout.

tchip - the chip temperature is in degrees Celsius. Note: this is null here, because there is no thermometer.

rot- the chip rotation off RA/Dec in degrees. This is set by the command line.

gain - not sure.



Does nothing.


The Allied Vision API must be downloaded. Then
From VimbaC/Include
sudo install -m 644 VimbaC.h /usr/local/include
sudo install -m 644 VmbCommonTypes.h /usr/local/include
From VimbaC/DynamicLib/x86_64bit
sudo install -m 644 /usr/local/lib

#copy the documentation
mkdir ~/wwwroot/PDFs/AlliedVision
cp html/index.html ~/wwwroot/PDFs/AlliedVision
from Vimba Download
find . -name "*.pdf" -exec cp -p '{}' ~/wwwroot/PDFs/AlliedVision \;
Into /etc/environment


The camera must be connected via high speed ethernet to work properly. There are no indications that it will not work other than poor images.

There are issues with higher binning values than 2. The server may have to be restarted.


To do a hard reboot of the camera.
Camera Reset register address: 0x10008h
Write: 0x02h   Hard Reset
Do NOT read this register

Program index