extract - pull ranges of timestamped data from stdin


extract [start=] [stop= | span=] [late=]


extract takes log files from the standard input assuming that first field is timestamped with an ISO8601 date/time similar to:
2007-02-11T23:27:25Z done taux ovolts=2.832 cloud=0.88
It then takes ISO8601 timestamps as the starting and stopping times entered on the command line and will print out all records between them to standard out.
For example:
cat tserver.log | extract start=2007-02-11T22:55:15 stop=2007-02-11T22:56:13 Lines that do not begin with valid dates are ignored.


start= sets the iso time to start printing, omitted, printing will begin at the first record.

stop= sets end printing. If omitted, printing will go to the end of file.

late= starts printing by the specified number of seconds after the start value.

span= will print for the specified number of seconds.

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