

fitter mode=sine|sine2 | exp1 [xc=] [yc=] [zc=] [debug]


fitter reads data from stdin and performs a non - linear least square fit using the first column as the x values and the second column as the data to be fitted. The column numbers can be changed by command line switches. The default value is a first order (line) fit, higher orders can be selected from the command line. If xc=0 then a fit to the line count is made. Lines starting with the # character are ignored.

sine Mode, which fits the x column in degrees with a sine wave in the second. the amplitude. sine2 has offset value.

exp1 Mode, which fits the p[0]*(1-exp(-x*p[1]). The first term is amplitude, the second is tau.

The output has the first row showing the fit parameters, prefaced by the pound sign. The rest of the rows are the input data followed by the fit data.


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