paxis - test the PMAC axis class


paxis [motor=1] [ppdeg=0] [move=] [track=] [status] [start] [stop] [program] [debug..] [sleep=] [moving] [where] [error] [kill] [ether=]


paxis is an arcane program that tests the PMAC axis class.

If the PMAC environment variable is not present, the ether= option specifies the location of the pmac.

ppdeg= sets the value of the number of pulses per degree to change output units from counts to degrees. Use with caution as it will override that set by rtel.


debug - can be repeated for even more output.

error - prints out the servo error in counts (or degrees).

ether= option specifies the location of the pmac if the PMAC environment variable is not set.

kill - sends the Kill command and makes it open loop.

motor= changes the motor from the default value of 1.

move= moves the number of pulses (or degrees if ppdeg is specified).

moving - prints out the status of the IsMoving function.

ppdeg= sets the value of the number of pulses per degree to change output units (default: 1)

program - forces the track and move to use the program rather than jog mode.

start - starts a program running.

stop - stop a program running.

status - prints out the status of the motor. It is an abstruse string

track= goes at a constant rate at the specified number of pulses per second (or degrees if ppdeg is specified).

sleep= waits for specified number of seconds (floats allowed).

where - prints out the position of the motor in counts or degrees.

PMAC index