pid - calculates DAC output


pid motor= [Ix=] [debug] [motor=] [verbose] [ether=]


pid - calculates the DAC output for the specified motor. It evaluates the PID algorithm that is shown on Page 108 of the PMAC User's manual. It reads gains from current motor. It takes input from stdin which is
time_ms   Command_position   Actual_Position
It puts out a line:
time_ms Dac   P VFF AFF I D   FE AV CV 
Where P,VFF, AFF,I,D are the DAC parts of each effect
FE- following error
AV - actual velocity
CV - command velocity


motor= specifies the motor number

ether= ethernet where PMAC resides. Overrides PMAC environment.

verbose - print out of Ix variables.

Ix+ overrides the Ixvariables.

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