setstage - calculates guide stage offsets and blocking


setstage cstring | present [ok] [passthru] [move] [debug..]
setstage xy [debug]


cstring | present - if the option present is used it will read the current telescope coordinates using the where command. Otherwise it will use a coordinate string as the current center coordinate. This option is required.

move - will move the XY stage to the calculated position if there is only one coordinate in the standard input and position, vignetting and blocking are satisfactory.

ok - will only show guidestars that are not outside,blocked or vignetted.

passthru - copies and prints the guidestar coordinate lines that are ok (see above).

xy - is a different mode used for test ing and takes strings guider position strings like x=-34 y=22 prints out the outside, vignetting and blocking factors.


setstage takes guide star coordinate strings from the standard input and calculates the x, y coordinates (in mm) that the guider stage should be positioned to from the celestial coordinates of the telescope and the guide star. If the passthru option is NOT used, it prints out lines similar to:
outside=0 vignette=0 block=0 x=-48.47 y=178.13 name=4027930212632765184
outside=0 vignette=0 block=1 x=-68.78 y=55.24 name=4027917396449807488
outside=1 vignette=0 block=0 x=64.46 y=18.10 name=4027968562395866880
outside=0 vignette=1 block=0 x=-23.72 y=170.49 name=4027931075921347584
When the position is out of range of the stage, the outside flag is set to 1. If the guider is vignetted, then vignette=1. Finally it sets block=1 if the guider blocks the science chip. The name of the star is appended if it appears in the input stream.

The guide star positions must be entered in standard input as coordinate strings.

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