boxshift - do simple manipulation of boxes


boxshift fits= | box= [keepall] [rot=] [dr=] [dc=] [nmatch=]


Either generates the box definitions used by XVista. Ending up printing out a line similar to:
The box can be created either by specifying a fits file or by a box definition.

Multiple box definitions can be placed on the command line and the resultant box will the the overlap (AND) of the boxes.


box= uses the specified box as a starting point.

fits= creates a box with starting rows and columns of 1 and the number of rows and columns in the fits image that is specified.

dr= shifts the box by the specified number of rows.

dc= shifts the box by the specified number of columns.

rot= rotates the box by the angle in degrees. Note: for angles near 90 and 270, the number of rows and columns are interchanged in a behavior similar to that it rotate. An attempt to trim for the non-modulo 90 degree part is also made.

nmatch= argument is accepted but ignored as a courtesy for the match program.

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