fromworld - converts RA and Dec to row column


fromworld fits_file [fwhm=] [magoffset=] [all] [extra=]


fromworld reads strings from stdin containing:
RA(hh:mm:ss) Dec(dd:mm:ss) equinox(year) magnitude name
The format of the input is hh:mm:ss dd:mm:ss just like that from bright. It then calculates the row and column position on the image and outputs as well as peak brightness estimate.

The program converts the coordinates using CTYPEn, CRPIXn, CRVALn, CDELTAn values that must be present for both axes in the header. It calculates the epoch of the observation from the DATE-OBS and UT keywords. These keywords are discussed briefly in the document page for photo. If any of these keywords are not found in the header the program exits with a nonzero code.


all - prints out rows and columns whether or not they are within the chip borders.

extra= extends the size of the chip by the specified number of pixels to change what constitutes an "on-chip" star.

magoffset= sets the scale factor between peak ADUs and magnitude.

fwhm= sets the fwhm that is transferred to the output (default: none ).

XVista index