header - display or alter the contents of the FITS header


header fname [debug] [keys] [nohistory] [rename=old=new[,]] [-] [delete=key] [key=value[,]] .. [key[,default]]


With no keyword/value pairs, header prints out the header information in the named file. By default, the entire FITS header is listed.

keys - causes the keyword= to be printed too.

If keyword=value pairs are on the command line they are added to the FITS header.

If keywords only are on the command line following the filename, their values are printed out. If the keyword is not present an error message is printed out and the program exits with a non-zero code. An optional value may be appended using a comma a and this will be printed out if the value is not specified, overriding the previous behavior. Keywords are converted to upper case.

Keywords can be removed by specifying them with "delete=keyname".

Keywords are converted to uppercase as is the FITS standard.

Appending , to key=value will cause add single quotes to be put around the value and the result stored as a FITs string. If single quotes are found the values are installed as a string.

- as an option takes keyword / value pairs from standard input and injects them into the header.

rename keyword changes = function to rename using OldName=NewName. A , maybe appended to force string. This is a bug.

nohistory-suppresses printout of HISTORY headers.


header m1 
Prints out the entire FITS header of the file m1.fits.
header m1 crpix1=232 crpix2=164
echo crpix1=232 crpix=234 | header m1 - 
Adds (or alters) the values of CRPIX1 and CRPIX2.
header m67 observer="'Edwin Hubble'"
Puts the string into the OBSERVER keyword. NOTICE: the use of double quotes. This is needed due to the nature of FITS and UNIX.
header m2 exptime 
Prints out the value of the EXPTIME.
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