implant - overlay image into other image


implant fits_file1 [dr=] [dc=] [ignore] [feather=] [trim=] [corner] [outfile=]


implant overwrites the image arriving on stdin onto the image in the first argument. The input image is centered on the output image unless shifted by the optional dr= and dc= arguments or the corner option.

If you wish to make a montage first generate a large enough blank image with the pstar command.

implant writes the following keywords into the FITS header

NIMPLANT  - the number of files that have been implanted in current image
IMPLANTn  - sr,sc,nr,nc (in FITs style) of the time size written


corner - specifies the displacement relative to the corner of image rather than the center.

dc= specifies the displacement of the center columns of the images.

dr= specifies the displacement of the center rows of the images.

ignore - writes only the portion of the image contained in the output image. The default is to give an error message telling that it is out of bound.

trim= removes the outer number of pixels from the input image (default: 0);

feather= blends in overlaps by the specified number of pixels (default:0).

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