stars - finds stars in a CCD image


stars imagefile [minsig=] [debug] [detection=]


This script is a c-shell wrapper around the Sextractor program. To generate a list of point sources in and image file.


debug turns on some useless printout.

detection= sets an optional FITs file to use for the target detection. When unspecified the first argument is used both for detection and photometry.

minsig= looks for stars with peaks >= the specified number of adu above the background. The default can be found by typing the command stars with no arguments.


The program prints a list to the standard output in star format.
row=44.9537 col=55.0406 flux=9519.782 fwhm=2.98 max=992.4672 ellipse=0.009 back=97.54335 name=1
The name is the index number of found by sextractor.

Temporary files are stored in /tmp-stars?-$LOGNAME.tmp These are the input and output files used by sextractor.

XVista index