toworld - converts row column positions to RA/Dec


toworld fits_file [offset[-]] [high] [decimal] [debug..] [magoffset=] [decimal]


toworld reads strings from stdin that contain the row and column positions and calculates the RA and Dec. The conversion is between different types of star format
echo row=479.423 col=498.060 fwhm=4.20 flux=3616374.00 name=4 | toworld test.fits
ra=14:25:11.32 dec=51:50:54.93 equinox=2000.000 epoch=2019.643 name=4 mode=astrometric mag=3.60
The output is a coordinate string.

Instead of row, column coordinates, strings like "dr=34 dc=35.5" may be used to show the displacement from the center.

The program converts the coordinates using CTYPEn, CRPIXn, CD1_1,CD1_2,CD2_2,CD2_2 values that must be present for both axes in the header. It calculates the epoch of the observation from the DATE-OBS keyword. If any of these keywords are not found in the header the program exits with a nonzero code. The equinox is J2000.

If there is a third peak value field in the star format, the output is converted to magnitudes.


offset- - keyword causes the program to put out the offset needed to put the row/col onto the center of the chip. (Where center is determined by row=CRPIX2, and col=CRPIX1). The - version goes the other direction.

magoffset= is an additive constant used to adjust the computed magnitudes.

decimal - prints out the coordinates in decimal degrees.

high - prints outs more sig figs.

debug - can be repeated to get higher level debugging output.


echo row=100.2 col=202.2 | toworld anotherimage offset
ra=0.047 dec=0.104

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