RCT Publications and Presentation
- Living with a Red Dwarf: The Rotation–Age Relationships of M Dwarfs, Scott G. Engle and Edward F. Guinan, 2023, ApJL, 954, L50
- K2 Optical Emission from OJ 287 and Other γ-Ray Blazars on Hours-to-weeks Timescales from 2014 to 2018, Ann E. Wehrle, Michael Carini, Paul J. Wiita, Joshua Pepper, B. Scott Gaudi, Richard W. Pogge, Keivan G. Stassun and Steven Villanueva, 2023, ApJ, 951, 58
- VERITAS Discovery of VHE Emission from the Radio Galaxy 3C 264: A Multiwavelength Study, Archer, A., Benbow, W., Brill, A., 2020, ApJ, 896, 41
- (1748) Mauderli: A Possible BInary in the Hilda Population, Romanishin, W., 2020, RNASS, 4, 3, 44
- The Great Markarian 421 Flare of 2010 February: Multiwavelength Variability and Correlation Studies, Abeysekara, A. U., Benbow, W., Brill, A., 2020, ApJ, 890, 97
- Measuring the Variability in K2 Optical Light Curves of the Binary Black Hole Candidate OJ 287 and Other Fermi Active Galactic Nuclei in 2014-2015, Wehrle, A. E., Carini, M., Wiita, P.J., 2019, ApJ, 877, 151
- 14 years of photometric monitoring of MM Dra and a suspected variable in the field of blazar 1ES 1959+650, Hicks, S, Laney, C. D., Carini, M.T., Richardson, W. N., Antoniuk, A., Pit. N., 2017, IBVS, 6222, 1
- Space Telescope and Optical Reverberation Mapping Project. III. Optical Continuum Emission and Broadband Time Delays in NGC 5548, Fausnaugh, M. M., Denney, K. D., Barth, A. J., 2016, ApJ, 821, 56
- The RCT 1.3-meter Robotic Telescope: Broad-band Color Transformation and Extinction Calibration, Strolger, L-G, A. M. Gott, M. Carini, S. Engle, R. Gelderman, E. Guinan, C. D. Laney, C. McGruder, R. R. Treffers, and D. K. Walter, 2014, AJ, 147,49
Carini, Michael T., Goyal, A.; Jose, J., 2014 AAS #223, #150.15
- II ZW 229.015: The most complete optical light curve of any AGN, Williams, Joshua, Carini, M. T., 2014, AAS, #223, #250.009
- Peer mentoring of telescope operations and data reduction at Western Kentucky University, Williams, Joshua, Carini, M. T., 2014, AAS, #223, #159.05
- Astrometric and Photometric Accuracy of the 1.3 m Robotically Controlled Telescope on Kitt Peak., McGruder, Charles H., Carini, M. T., Engle, S. G., Gelderman, R., Guinan, E. F. , Laney, D. , Strolger, L. , Treffers, R. R. , Walter, D. K., 2014, AAS #223, #148.26
- Autonomous Astronomical Observing As A Way To Involve Students In Research, Stacy Hancock, Richard Gelderman, Ken Cook, Derek Stice, Patrick Miller, Tomas Vorobjov, Michael Carini, David Laney, Charles McGruder, Louis-Gregory Strolger, 2013, BAPS, SES.KA.47
- RCT and Kepler observations of the highly variable Seyfert galaxy II ZW 229.015, Josh Williams, Michael Carini, 2013, BAPS, SES.KA.48
- Time Series Analysis of the Blazar OJ 287, Ellen Gamel, Wes Ryle, Michael Carini, 2013, BAPS, SES.KA.50
- Bell, Crimea and RCT — Three Research Grade Optical Telescopes assessable to Western Kentucky University Astronomers, Charles McGruder, Krill Antoniuk, Michael Carini, Scott Engle, Richard Gelderman, Edward Guinan, Lindsay Kriz, David Laney, D Shakhovskoy, Louis Strolger, Richard Treffers, Donald Walter, Joshua Williams, 2013, BAPS, SES.KA.51
- Time Series Analysis of the Blazar OJ 287, Gamel, Ellen; Ryle, W. T.; Carini, M. T, 2013, AAS, #222, #215.04
- Multi-Color Microvariability Observations of BL Lac in a High Brightness State with the Robotically Controlled Telescope, Brown, Rebecca, Carini, M. T, 2013, AAS, #221, #339.08
Optical Monitoring of II ZW 229.015 with the Robotically Controlled Telescope, Williams, Joshua, Carini, M. T., 2013, AAS, #221, #339.06
SN 2011fe: Photometrically Determining the Physical Properties and Distance of This Bright Type 1a Supernova, Ambrosino, William, Guinan, E. F., Gouravajhala, S., Gott, A., Strolger, L., 2013, AAS, #221, #253.10
- Kepler Observations of the Seyfert 1 Galaxy II ZW 229.015, Carini, M. Y., Ryle, Wesley, T., 2012, ApJ, 749 70
- Observations of 4 Blazars with the Robotically Controlled Telescope in 2011, Carini, M. T., Brown, R., 2012, AAS, 219, 243.3
- UBVRI Optical monitoring of Supernova 2011fe in Pinwheel Galaxy with the 1.3-meter Robotically Controlled Telescope, Gott, A., Strolger, L., RCT Consortium, 2012, AAS, 219, 242.24
Bright New Type Ia Supernova in the Pinwheel Galaxy (M101): Physical Properties of SN 2011fe From Photometry and Spectroscopy, Gouravajhala, S., Guinan, E. F., Strolger, L., Gott, A., 2012, JAVSO, 40, 419
- Red Dwarf Stars: Ages, Rotation, Magnetic Dynamo Activity and the Habitability of Hosted Planets, Engle, S. G.; Guinan, E. F., 2011, ASPC, 451, 285
Zhang, L., 2011, ASPC, 451, 123
- The 1.3-m Robotically Controlled Telescope (RCT) at Kitt Peak – A Fifty year old Dream Realized: Telescope Characteristics, Current research and Education Programs, Guinan, E., Gelderman, R., Strolger, L., Carini, M. T., McGruder, C.H., Campbell, R., Walter, D., Davis, D., Tedesco, E., Engle, S., 2011, Telescopes from Afar, Waikoloa Beach, Hawaii
- RCT Photometry of the Hubble Classical Cepheid V19 in M33: Evidence for the Cessation of Pulsations-A Case of Stellar Evolution in Real Time, Engle, S.G., Guinan, E.F., Macri, L., Pellerin, A., 2011, Telescopes from Afar, Waikoloa Beach, Hawaii
- Real World Practical Considerations for Remote and/or Autonomous Robotic Telescopes, Bruce H. Cook and Kevin R. Harris, 2011, Telescopes from Afar, Waikoloa Beach, Hawaii
- Narrow-band Imagery with the 1.3-meter Robotically Controlled Telescope (RCT), D. K. Walter, R.Gelderman, R. Campbell, M.T. Carini, D.R. Davis, S.G. Engle, E.F. Guinan, C.H. McGruder III, L-G Strolger, E.F. Tedesco, 2011, Telescopes from Afar, Waikoloa Beach, Hawaii
- Automation of the 1.3-meter Robotically Controlled Telescope, Richard R Treffers, 2011, Telescopes from Afar, Waikoloa Beach, Hawaii
- Autonomous Scheduling of the 1.3-meter Roboticaly Controlled Telescope, L-G Strolger, R.Gelderman, M.T. Carini, D.R. Davis, S.G. Engle, E.F. Guinan, C.H. McGruder III, E.F. Tedesco, D.K. Walter, 2011, Telescopes from Afar, Waikoloa Beach, Hawaii
- Flexible Queue Scheduling Capabilities of the 1.3-m RCT : Application to Time Variable Sources, M.T. Carini, R. Gelderman, D.R. Davis, S.G. Engle, E.F. Guinan, C.H. McGruder III, L-G Strolger, E.F. Tedesco, D.K. Walter, 2011, Telescopes from Afar, Waikoloa Beach, Hawaii
- The Robotically Controlled Telescope (RCT) :First Five Years of Fully Autonomous Operation, R.Gelderman, M.T. Carini, D.R. Davis, S.G. Engle, E.F. Guinan, C.H. McGruder III, L-G Strolger, E.F. Tedesco, D.K. Walter, 2011, Telescopes from Afar, Waikoloa Beach, Hawaii
- The Strange Case of Hubble’s V 19 in M33: Monitoring the Remarkable Changes and Possible Real-Time Evolution of a Classical Cepheid, Engle, Scott G.,Guinan, E., Macri, L., Pellerin, A., 2011, AAS Meeting # 217, #342.06
- Kepler Light Curves of AGN, Carini, M.T., Welsh, W., 2011, AAS Meeting #217, #140.17
- Exploring Blazar Jet Dynamics with Optical and Gamma Ray Cross-Correlations Using the Fermi Gamma Ray Space Telescope Public Data, Cook, Kyle, Carini, M.T., 2010, AAS 42,375
Walter, D. K., 2010, LPICo, 1538.5486
- Optical Observations of FERMI LAT monitored Blazars, Cook, Kyle, Carini, M.T., 2009, AAS 41,330
Lefèvre, L.; Chené, A. N., 2009, CoAst, 158, 297
- Autonomous Scheduling and Operation of the 1.3-meter Robotically Controlled Telescope (RCT) at Kitt Peak, Gelderman, Richard, Strolger, L., Carini, M., Marchenko, S., Reddy, Yaramala, S., Rimph, M., van Fleet, R., Wood, J. D., 2007, AAS 9, 749
- Multifrequency variability of the blazar AO 0235+164. The WEBT campaign in 2004-2005 and long-term SED analysis, Raiteri, C. M.; Villata, M.; Kadler, M.; Ibrahimov, M. A.; Kurtanidze, O. M.; Larionov, V. M.; Tornikoski, M.; Boltwood, P.; Lee, C.-U.; Aller, M. F.; Romero, G. E.; Aller, H. D.; Araudo, A. T.; Arkharov, A. A.; Bach, U.; Barnaby, D.; Berdyugin, A.; Buemi, C. S.; Carini, M. T.; Carosati, D.; Cellone, S. A.; Cool, R.; Dolci, M.; Efimova, N. V.; Fuhrmann, L.; Hagen-Thorn, V. A.; Holcomb, M.; Ilyin, I.; Impellizzeri, V.; Ivanidze, R. Z.; Kapanadze, B. Z.; Kerp, J.; Konstantinova, T. S.; Kovalev, Y. Y.; Kovalev, Yu. A.; Kraus, A.; Krichbaum, T. P.; Lähteenmäki, A.; Lanteri, L.; Leto, P.; Lindfors, E.; Mattox, J. R.; Napoleone, N.; Nikolashvili, M. G.; Nilsson, K.; Ohlert, J.; Papadakis, I. E.; Pasanen, M.; Poteet, C.; Pursimo, T.; Ros, E.; Sigua, L. A.; Smith, S.; Takalo, L. O.; Trigilio, C.; Tröller, M.; Umana, G.; Ungerechts, H.; Walters, R.; Witzel, A.; Xilouris, E., 2006, A&A, 459, 731
- Pulsations and Mass-Loss in Massive Wolf-Rayet Stars: MOST Observations of WR123 and WR103, Marchenko, S.V., Lefevre, L., Moffat, A.F.J., Zhilyaev, B.E., Chene, A.N., Matthews, J.M., Kuschnig, R., Guenther, D.B., Rucinski, S.M., Sasselov, D., Walker, G.A.H., Weiss, W.W., 2006 AAS, 38, 908
- The Western Kentucky University Blazar Monitoring Program: The First Four Years, Walters, R., Barnaby, D., Carini, M., 2006, ASPC, 350, 82
- Undergraduate Research Possibilities with a 0.6m Telescope, Carini, M.T., Barnaby, D., Gelderman, R., Marchenko, S., McGruder, C.H., Strolger, L., 2005, AAS, 37 129
- Oscillations in the Massive Wolf-Rayet Star WR123 with the MOST Satellite, Lefevre, L., Marchenko, S.V., Moffat, A.F.J., Chene, A.N., Smith, S.R., St-Louis, N., Matthews, J.M., Kuschnig, R., Guenther, D.B., Poteet, C.A., Rucinski, S.M., Sasselov, D., Walker, G.A.H., Weiss, W.W., 2005, ApJL, 634, L109
Blazar Observations with the Robotically Controlled Telescope, Walters, R., Carini, M. T., Mattox, J., Gelderman, R., 2004, AAS, #205, #11.01
- Hydrogen in the Atmosphere of the Evolved WN3 Wolf-Rayet Star WR3: Defying an Evolutionary Paradigm?, Marchenko, S.V., Moffat, A.F.J., Crowther, P., Chene, A.-N., De Serres, M., Eenens, P.R.J., Hill, G., Moran, J., Morel, T., 2004, MNRAS, 353, 153
- Narrow-band imagery with the Robotically Controlled Telescope, Walter, D.K., Carini,M., Davis, D. R., Everett, M., Gelderman, R., Guinan, E., Howell, S., Mattox, J. R., McGruder, C.H. III, 2004, AN, 325, 656
- The optical detection of gamma ray bursts with the 1.3m robotically controlled telescope on Kitt Peak, McGruder, C.H. III, Mattox, J.R., Carini,M., Davis, D. R., Everett, M., Gelderman, R., Guinan, E., Howell, Marchenko, S., Walter, D.K., 2004, AN, 325, 651
- Searching for extrasolar planets with the 1.3m Robotically Controlled Telescope on Kitt Peak, Mcgruder, C.H. III, Everett, M.E., Howell, S., Carini,M., Davis, D. R., Gelderman, R., Guinan, E., Marchenko, S., Mattox, J. R., Walter, D.K., 2004, AN, 325, 648
- Blazar variability studies with the 1.3m Robotically Controlled telescope and the automated 0.6m Bell Observatory telescope, Carini, M.T., Barnaby, D., Mattox, J.R., Walters, R., Poteet, C., Wills, W., Gelderman, R., Davis, D., Everett, M., Guinan, E., Howell, S., McGruder, C.H. III., 2004, AN, 325, 646
- The Robotically Controlled telescope (RCT) at KPNO, Gelderman, R., Carini,M., Davis, D. R.,Everett, M.E., Guinan, E., Howell, S.B., Marchenko, S.V., Mattox, J.R., Mcgruder, .H. III, Walter, D.K., 2004, AN, 325, 559
- Blazar Observations with the Robotically Controlled Telescope, Walters, R., Carini, M. T., Mattox, J., Gelderman, R., 2004, AAS, 36, 1536
High Precision Photometry of Variable Stars in Clusters of Different Ages with the 1.3 m Robotically Controlled Telescope (RCT), Guinan, E. F., McCook, G. P., DeWarf, L. E., Gelderman, R. F., McGruder, C. H. , Walter, D. K. , Howell, S. B. , Davis, D. R. , Everett, M. , Mattox, J. R., 2003, AAS, #202, #47.05
Multi-Color Microvariability in HBLs: 1ES 1959+650, Wills, W. L.; Carini, M. T., 2003, AAS, #203, #88.02
- The Robotically Controlled Telescope and the Search for Extra-Solar Planets, Davis, D. R.; Howell, S. B.; Everett, M. E.; Gelderman, R, Guinan, E. , Mattox, J. R. , McGruder, C. H. , Walter, D. K., 2003, DPS, #35, #18.03
- The refurbished 1.3-m Robotically Controlled Telescope at Kitt Peak, Gelderman, R., Guinan, E., Howell, S., Mattox, J. R., McGruder, C. H., Walter, D. K., Davis, D. R., Everett, M., 2003, AAS, #202, #47.04
The Utilization of the RCT Telescope for Studies of Blazar Continuum Emission during the GLAST Gamma-Ray Mission, Mattox, J. R., Cominsky, L., Spear, G., Carini, M., Gelderman, R., McGruder, C. H. , Guinan, E. , Howell, S. , Davis, D. R. , Everett, M. , Walter, D. K., 2003, AAS, #202, #43.05
Everett, M., Howell, S., Davis, D., McGruder, C. H., III, Gelderman, R. , Guinan, E. , Mattox, J. R., Walter, D. K., 2003, AAS, #202, #33.05
Walter, D. K., Gelderman, R., Guinan, E., Howell, S., Mattox, J. R. , McGruder, C. H., III , Davis, D. , Everett, M., 2002, AAS, #202, #29.06
- Ultra-high photometric precision and the search for extrasolar planets.
McGruber, C. H., III; Everett, M. E.; Howell, S. B.; Gelderman, R. G., 2003, ASPC, 294, 395
- High Precision Photometry of Variable Stars in Clusters of Different Ages with the 1.3 m Robotically Controlled Telescope (RCT), Guinan, E. F., McCook, G. P., DeWarf, L. E., Gelderman, R. F., McGruder, C. H., Walter, D. K., Howell, S. B., Davis, D. R., Everett, M., Mattox, J. R., 2003, AAS, 35, 766
McGruder, C., III, Barnaby, D., Carini, M., Gelderman, R, Hackney, K. , Hackney, R. , Marchenko, S. , Scott, R. , Yan, Li , Chen, Wen-Ping, 2002, APRM, 19
Everett, Mark E.; Howell, Steve B., 2001, PASP, 113, 1428
The 1.3-meter Robotically Controlled Telescope: Developing a Fully Autonomous Observatory, Gelderman, Richard, 2001, ASPC, 246, 89
Gelderman, Richard; Barnaby, David; Carini, Michael; Hackney, Karen, Hackney, Richard , McGruder, Charles, Scott, Roger, 2001, ASPC, 246, 31
The STARBASE Network of Telescopes and the Detection of Extrasolar Planets, McGruder, Charles H., III; Everett, Mark E.; Howell, Steve B., 2001, ASPC, 246, 23