Program Documentation

These programs are available in ~rct/bin. You can find an alphabetic list here. You may also want to check on some programs that are called Procedures.

Device Servers

The most basic level of the observatory is the device servers. Here is an listing of server keywords. The protocol is discussed here.

Each of the observatory devices has a server program associated with it. The observatory functions are invoked by the tx command. These are described below.

Other daemons that are fired up by startnet Some helpful programs for accessing the servers are:

Observatory Control Programs

CCD Control Programs

Filter Wheel and Guider Control Programs

Calibration Scripts

See also Procedures.

Weather Programs

Custom Astronomical,Image Processing and Utility Programs

Look in here for programs that you find in scripts and my not recognize. Note: not all the programs below are linked to ~rct/bin.

RCT Index