Monthly Archives: February 2012

All data now available

Some of you noticed that even though the database form was available, data from Feb-7 to present were not available in the archive. This was a hangup in the archiving script, due to a partially downloaded file at the point the server went down. The archive is now fully available, and all data to present is searchable.

New SII filters available

SII filters (6717, and 6730) are now in filter positions 15 and 16, replacing the UV_continuum and OH filters. The filters now available are:

Number Name Center Bandwidth
# nM nM
0 empty 0 0
1 U 0 0
2 B 0 0
3 V 0 0
4 R 0 0
5 I 0 0
6 6444A/Ha_continuum 644.4 8.1
7 6563A/Halpha_2.2nm 656.3 2.2
8 3870A/CN_6.2nm 387 6.2
9 5660A/NH2_continuum 566 12
10 5721A/NH2 572.1 8.5
11 5260A/Green_continuum 526 5.6
12 5141A/C2 514.1 11.8
13 4450A/Blue_continuum 445 6.7
14 4062A/C3 406.2 6.2
15 SII_6717 671.6 0.9
16 SII_6731 672.9 0.8

This information can also be found at RCT Filters